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Flying Dragon Waterfall

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photo of Flying Dragon Waterfall
Photo By: ch
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Flying Dragon Waterfall scenic area locates at the north gate of the famous Mountain Huangshan, 300 meters away from the entry of Mountain Huangshan with convenient transportation and unique scenery. The typical scene of this area are waterfalls, accompanied with ponds, woods, gullies, valleys, cavities and winding paths, known as the eight marvelous phenomenon of this scenic area.
Above all, Flying Dragon Waterfall is the most famous. It has its current flowing from the top of the crag with a direct fall of 500 meters long; the total length of the current is over 1 kms. It is divided into nine groups consisting of 36 waterfalls. Flying Dragon Waterfall looks like a giant dragon and looks very spectacular, so that wins the fame as “the No.1 Fall in Mountain Huangshan”.
In this scenic area, upright bamboo groves are here and there, and you can always have a look at the different kinds of beautiful flowers and trees, enjoy the oddly-jagged rocks and pretty pools, and appreciate the songs sung by the falls and the streams. When you come to this place and sightsee all the wonderful scenery here, you will surely leave a lifetime memory.

Edit by: Dorothy

Taiping Lake

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Taiping Lake (Lake of Peace) lies north of Mountain Huangshan and southeast of Mountain Jiuhua. It is the largest man-made lake in the province, with an area of 88 square kilometers.

Taiping Lake is hidden in high mountains. Year round the water of the lake is clear, quiet and green. The lake and mountains around it add 10 isolated hills and peninsulas of different shapes, scattered in a beautiful pattern, making the lake view more mysterious.

Edit by: Dorothy

Tunxi Ancient Street

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At the foot of the Mountain Huangshan, in the bend of Xin'an River, lies the beautiful mountain town called “Tunxi”. The “Tunxi Ancient Street” can be found in this old city.

The street starts in the west at Zhenhai Bridge, a stone arch bridge built during the Ming Dynasty, and ends in the east at the “Memorial Archway”. Its total length is about 1.5km and the sides of the street are laid with slab stones.

There are hundreds of old but well preserved rows of shops, evoking a bygone era in buildings that are simple and elegant.

It is a commercial street that is only for pedestrians. The merchants from the Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Fujian provinces jostle each other in a crowd that resembles the picture “The Spring Festival along the River”.

An ancient Western-European architect once visited the old street and said that he had found “The Eastern Ancient Rome”.

First built over 700 years ago, during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the street is flanked by some buildings from this period. More noticeable are the buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911), during which time the “Tunxi Ancient Street” became a distribution center for goods and materials to Huizhou.
The shops, workshops and residences have continued to maintain the characteristics and operational layout of ancient stores such as “shop in the front and workshop or house in the back”.

Most of the buildings are only three stories high, stone-based and brick-laid. They are decorated with small green tiles, wood carvings in the Hui style, ancient shop signs, and red-lacquered with double eaves on the roofs. They are simple and elegant, magnificent and clean.
The pavement is 5 to 8 meters wide, laid with large red flagstones. Whether you are wandering along the old bridge, visiting the fish beside the river, finding shoots of bamboo on the slope, or standing under a tree and listening to the birds whistle, it is easy to rest and attain mental tranquility by getting back to the nature.
Shops and stalls sell an interesting mix of antiques and knick-knacks including ink stones, brushes, local teas, Mao badges and advertising posters from the 30s.

There are also many small food vendors and some excellent dumpling restaurants.

The shop names in the ancient street have a lot of culture meanings, which shows that the merchants in Huizhou are scholar-merchants. Many of these shops carry more than a hundred years of history, such as “Tongderen” (Medicine Shop), “Tonghe” (Steelyard Store), and “Chengdexin” (Sauce and Pickle Shop).

These stores continue to use the same methods of production, display, and operation as they did in ancient times.

Edit by: Dorothy

Emerald Valley

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Peaks here are green and water is clear around the year. There are beautiful scenic attractions such as Old Dragon Pool (Laolong Tan), Green Dragon Pool (Qinglong Tan), Black Dragon Pool (Wulong Tan), White Dragon Pool (Bailong Tan) and Emerald Pond.
The Emerald Valley extends 6km at the foot of Mountain Xiandu, which lies at the northern end of Mountain Huangshan.
Up the terraced mountainside are strewn glittering green pools various in shapes and sizes.

With the constant change of light, the water changes its color into all shades of green, hence this valley is named Emerald Valley. The riot of color presents a kaleidoscopic scene.

What's more, rare waterfowls like white swans and mandarin ducks can be found in this valley. As mandarin ducks symbolize love in China, therefore, this place is also called Love Valley by the local people.

Edit by: Dorothy
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